Jon Jon Purple 2

Actor, Jon Jon Johnson * Photos by Daniel Corey * Costumes by Brittany Graham * Makeup by Heather Whitpan



What makes a hero?

Heroes are defined
by the sacrifice they make
to do what is right.

What is your favorite hero and why do they speak to you?

To save her father
She sheds her gender to fight.
Her name? “Hua Mulan”.

If you were a superhero, what would your super power be?  Could you be tempted to use it for evil?

to move the world with my mind
like I do with words.There remains a chance
that if I were pushed to it
I would be evil.

What would your costume look like?

Ordinary Clothes
Maybe some cool sunglasses
A bad-ass trench coat.


What makes a monster?

A monster will thrive
when it sees good and evil
yet chooses itself.

What fictional monster scares you the most and why?

The hopping vampires
Jiang-shi, in chinese stories,
who drain you of chi.

What everyday experience brings out the monster in you?

I’m triggered daily
by systems of oppression.
The cage will soon break.