Actor, Ryan Tumulty * Photos by Daniel Corey * Costumes by Brittany Graham * Makeup by Brittany Graham and Hannah Fogler





What makes a hero?

Taking responsibility for the preservation of what is good, in the face of an overwhelming assault.

What is your favorite hero and why do they speak to you?

I think I just realized that Ang, from Avatar: The Last Airbender, is probably the best representation of a hero I can think of. A child who must fulfill a righteous destiny before he can even come of age; it’s terrifying. Yet he learns to accept his vital role in the world, and is determined to succeed. He embodies the wisdom of both youth and age, balancing playfulness and curiosity with a sage sense of justice, morality, and compassion. He possesses remarkable, perhaps even limitless power, and yet he seeks and promotes a life of peace and gentleness towards all beings, and surrounds himself with those he trusts and loves. The description seems to pretty much encapsulate the general way I’d like to live my life.

If you were a superhero, what would your super power be? Could you be tempted to use it for evil?

I think I’d be a telepath of some sort, or perhaps just a super logician, like a Super Sherlock Holmes. Well, I’d like that to be it, so that’s what I’m going with. I really feel like someone else ought to answer this question for me. But anyway, yes, I think I could be tempted to use it for ‘evil,’ but only the innocuous kind, like to rob a bank or to cheat at gambling. Money, money, money, Muuuh-nay!

What would your costume look like?

Probably wouldn’t wear a costume, to be honest. But I might have a special helmet to strengthen my powers. Or, I’d wear some kinda steampunk detective outfit, if I were the super logician type.


What makes a monster?

Believing you are a monster and purposely behaving the way you think the monster behaves.

What fictional monster scares you the most and why?

The idea of a Hell where one is tortured to death over and over again throughout eternity has always been the most terrifying thought to me, especially after I mistakenly watched Event Horizon on HBO as a kid. So the devil of that hell would have to be the monster that scares me the most. Or the hell itself.

What everyday experience brings out the monster in you?
